Navigating US AI Regulation and Government Policy for In-House Counsel

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As AI rapidly transforms industries and society, driven by the surge of generative AI tools like ChatGPT, regulators are closely examining its implications. For in-house counsel, navigating the complex and evolving regulatory landscape poses significant challenges. What legal frameworks currently govern AI, and how might they change in the future?

In this on-demand webinar, Matthew Ferraro, Senior Counsel for Cybersecurity and Emerging Technology to the Secretary of Homeland Security; Alexandra Seymour, Staff Director of the House Homeland Security Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Protection Subcommittee; and Daniel Lewis, US CEO of LegalOn Technologies, provide an in-depth overview of the US AI regulatory landscape, policy approach, and key considerations for in-house legal teams. Matthew and Alexandra each join in their personal capacity, not as government representatives.

Key topics covered include:

  • Existing Legal Frameworks: Examine the legal issues AI intersects with, from data privacy to bias and discrimination, and the current laws that govern its use and development.
  • Executive Order on AI: Explore the implications of the executive order on Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy AI and its implementation across agencies.
  • Policy Debates and Challenges: Understand the key regulatory gaps, policy discussions, and potential impacts on businesses and legal teams.
  • Opportunities for Businesses: Gain insights into how businesses can navigate a complex regulatory landscape.

This webinar is essential for in-house counsel seeking to stay informed about the rapidly evolving US regulatory landscape for AI and its implications for their organizations. Don't miss this opportunity to hear directly from leading policy experts on Capitol Hill about navigating the legal complexities of AI regulation.

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