AI-Ready Playbooks for In-House Legal: A Strategy that Scales Contract Review

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Contract playbooks are essential for in-house legal teams to ensure consistency, mitigate risk, and speed up contract review. Yet, 95% of legal teams report gaps in their playbook coverage, often relying on manual processes that slow negotiations and introduce inconsistencies, according to a recent In-House Connect and LegalOn survey.

Watch Luis Tovar, Senior Legal Operations Manager of FloQast, Bari A. Williams, Head of Legal at LegalOn Technologies and Daniel Lewis, CEO of LegalOn Technologies share practical strategies for structuring, implementing, and improving contract playbooks to ensure faster and more reliable contract reviews.

The webinar covers:

  • What contract playbooks are and how they improve contract review
  • Key insights from LegalOn’s and In-House Connect’s survey on playbook adoption
  • The “Great 8” contract clauses every playbook should cover
  • Best practices for structuring playbooks for consistency and efficiency
  • How to adapt playbook language into AI-ready instructions
  • How AI can enforce standards and fill playbook gaps

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