LegalOn Search

Find Your Clauses Right Where You Need Them

Search prior contracts and templates to find on-point clauses as you draft, edit, and negotiate.

Your AI-assistant for
contract review

Get an instant first-pass review with AI that spots contract risks and provides guidance and redline suggestions configurable to your preferences.

Easily Create and Search Your Contract Repository

  • Storing and searching contracts doesn’t have to be complicated - with LegalOn, it's easy to create a central repository and find contracts, clauses, and templates.

  • Quickly find the clause you need from past contracts and templates with lightning-fast search.

  • Search is integrated into the review experience, so you have everything you need at your fingertips.

Use Prior Negotiations to Arm You with Precedents

  • Target your precedent search to specific parties, contract types, and more.

  • Compare contracts article by article to see changes from past contracts, such as at renewal.

  • Trace contract history from the draft to the final version, including comments during negotiation.

From the Global Leader in AI Contract Review

customers of LegalOn Technologies worldwide, including its businesses in the US and Japan.
of users report time savings with LegalOn Technologies.
of users report improving review quality with LegalOn Technologies.

*Source: December 2022 LegalOn survey of Japan-based product users (N=257)

Drag, Drop, Resolve.

10. File

Drag and drop contract

Simply drag and drop a Word or PDF contract into LegalOn for review.

01. General

AI review in 3 seconds

Select your contractual position and let the AI review per LegalOn’s pre-trained standards configurable to your needs.

12. Sign - Control

You control changes

Alerts and suggestions do the tedious work so you can be the final reviewer and decision-maker.

Experience LegalOn Today

We automate what’s tedious. You negotiate what matters. Sign up today and experience a smarter way to work.