AI Review for Venue Rental Agreements

Learn how integrating AI contract review into your Venue Rental Agreements (VRAs) can improve your contract negotiation, ensuring clarity, precision, and mutual understanding.

What is a Venue Rental Agreement?

A Venue Rental Agreement (VRA) is a contract by which an entity or individual rents a commercial venue for an event. Venues may include performing arts centers, arenas, stadiums, hotels, resorts, wineries, parks, museums, theaters, opera halls, working farms, casinos, restaurants, and bars. Events also range widely: weddings, corporate events, industry conferences, parties, concerts, ballets, musicals, sporting events, presidential balls, or even the Met Gala!

Because there are so many different types of potential venues and events, we have written our VRA for the scenario where a commercial entity or non-profit wishes to host its event at a hotel. (Think corporate Christmas party at the Hyatt, or a ticketed charity event at the Four Seasons.)

In a VRA, the renter pays a fee to the venue owner in exchange for being able to use the space during the rental period, which is the time needed to set up for, host, and clean up after the event. The renter may also pay additional fees agreed to by the parties for items or services that the owner promises to provide for the event (e.g., tables/chairs, linens, catering services, event planning, etc.) and for causing damage to the venue or overstaying the rental period.

The owner, on the other hand, is concerned with ensuring timely payment by the renter and limiting its liability and damages associated with the event and the renter's use of the venue during the rental period.

Why Use a Venue Rental Agreement?

There are several key reasons why businesses should use VRAs:

  1. Clarity of Expectations: A VRA clearly outlines the expectations and responsibilities of both the venue owner and the renter. This includes details about the event, the rental period, the condition in which the venue should be left, and any additional services or amenities provided by the owner.
  2. Risk Allocation: VRAs are important for allocating risk between the venue owner and the renter. Through clauses like assumption of risk, insurance requirements, and liability limitations, the agreement ensures that each party understands their potential liabilities and takes appropriate measures to mitigate them.
  3. Payment Terms: The VRA clearly states the rental fee, any deposits required, and the schedule for payments. This helps avoid misunderstandings or disputes about money and ensures that the venue owner receives timely payment.
  4. Venue Protection: For the venue owner, the VRA is a crucial tool for protecting their property. Clauses specifying the condition in which the venue should be left, prohibiting certain activities, and requiring the renter to pay for any damages help safeguard the owner's assets.
  5. Legal Protection: Should any disputes arise, a well-drafted VRA provides a legal framework for resolving them. It can help avoid costly misunderstandings and provide clear guidance on each party's rights and obligations.

What Should Be Included in a Venue Rental Agreement?

The important provisions to consider in a Venue Rental Agreement are:

  1. Venue Description: It is paramount that this clause accurately and clearly describes the parts of the Venue (e.g., ballroom, dining area, storage areas, kitchen, etc.) that the renter, its agents, and the event guests are permitted to use during the rental period for purposes related to the event.
  2. Event Details: The parties should describe the event, including the max number of guests, in an event plan.
  3. Rental Period: This clause sets out the period of time during which the renter and its agents can access and use the venue for purposes of setting up, hosting, and cleaning up after the event.
  4. Assumption of Risk: This clause shifts risk from the owner of the venue to the renter and is most useful where the premises may have unsafe areas (e.g. construction) or the event involves a possible danger (e.g., pool party with alcohol). The renter should try to limit any such clause to explicitly stated risks.
  5. Amenity Items and Services: If the owner is expected to provide any items or services during or in furtherance of the event, they should be clearly set forth in the VRA along with any associated fees.
  6. Conditions of Use: The owner should set forth any rules that the renter, its agents and guests, must follow.
  7. Total Rental Fee: This clause defines the Rental Fee, which is generally composed of a base flat or hourly rental fee, any fees for amenities, and additional fees that may be incurred for damage, overstaying, cleaning.
  8. Deposits: There are two clauses related to deposits: a reservation deposit and a security deposit.
  9. Payment: This clause is important because it explains which payments are due and by when as well as the method of payment acceptable to the owner. A clause imposing interest on late payments is also in the VRA.
  10. Force Majeure: This clause is important because it addresses whether the parties can reschedule the event or terminate the contract if there are events beyond the reasonable control of a party preventing performance.
  11. Insurance: This clause is paramount, particularly if alcohol will be served at the event given the heightened liability associated with possible service of alcohol to minors and the behavior of intoxicated individuals.
  12. Termination: This provision sets forth the rights of the parties to terminate the contract under certain circumstances, such as a material breach by the other party or for convenience.
  13. Effects of Termination: This clause explains what happens financially (e.g., no refund, partial refund, additional fees due) if one of the parties exercises its right to terminate the VRA under certain circumstances.

In addition to these important provisions, a comprehensive Venue Rental Agreement should also include:

  1. Indemnification: This clause typically requires the renter to hold the venue owner harmless from any claims, damages, or expenses arising from the event, except for those caused by the owner's negligence.
  2. Governing Law and Jurisdiction: This specifies which state's laws will govern the agreement and where any legal disputes will be resolved.
  3. Entire Agreement: This clause states that the VRA constitutes the full understanding between the parties and supersedes any prior agreements or understandings.
  4. Amendments: This clause specifies that any changes to the VRA must be made in writing and signed by both parties.
  5. Severability: This provision states that if any part of the VRA is found to be invalid or unenforceable, the rest of the agreement will still remain in effect.

Checklist for a Good Venue Rental Agreement

To ensure that your Venue Rental Agreement is effective, comprehensive, and legally sound, use this checklist:

  •  Clearly describe the venue and the areas the renter can use
  •  Include detailed event information (date, time, type of event, number of guests, etc.)
  •  Specify the rental period, including setup and cleanup time
  •  Include an assumption of risk clause if appropriate
  •  List any amenities or services to be provided by the owner and their costs
  •  Specify the conditions of use and any rules the renter must follow
  •  Clearly state the total rental fee and what it includes
  •  Specify any deposits required and their due dates
  •  Outline the payment schedule and accepted methods of payment
  •  Include a force majeure clause
  •  Specify insurance requirements for both parties
  •  Include termination conditions and the rights of each party to terminate
  •  Specify the financial consequences of termination under different scenarios
  •  Include an indemnification clause
  •  Specify the governing law and jurisdiction
  •  Include an entire agreement clause
  •  Specify how the agreement can be amended
  •  Include a severability clause
  •  Ensure the agreement is reviewed by legal counsel
  •  Have the agreement signed by authorized representatives of both parties
  •  Keep a fully executed copy of the agreement for your records

AI Contract Review for Venue Rental Agreements

To give you a sense for the benefits of leveraging artificial intelligence contract analysis trained by lawyers, we’ve selected some sample language our software presents to customers during a review. Keep in mind that these are static in this overview, but dynamic in our software - meaning our AI identifies the key issues and proactively surfaces alerts based on importance level and position (company, 3rd party, or neutral) and provides suggested revisions that mimic the style of the contract and align with party names and defined terms.

These samples represent a small sample of the pre-built, pre-trained Legal AI Contract Review solution for Venue Rental Agreements. If you’d like to see more, we invite you to book a demo.


For: Both

Alert: May be missing an article describing the venue.

Guidance: To ensure a successful venue rental experience, it is essential to include a clear and accurate description of the venue in the Venue Rental Agreement. This detailed description helps both parties understand the property being rented and its features, ultimately preventing potential disputes or misunderstandings.

For instance, when renting a venue for a conference, a comprehensive description of the venue allows the client to confirm that the space meets their expectations and requirements, such as having enough space, appropriate facilities, and a suitable layout for their event.

While there may not be specific statutes or laws that directly address the inclusion of a venue description in a rental agreement, general contract law principles, such as the duty to act in good faith and the requirement for clear and unambiguous terms, should be considered. This ensures that the contract meets legal requirements and provides a solid foundation for a successful rental experience.

Sample Language:


OWNER owns or operates an event space located at: [●●] (the “Venue”). The Venue includes only the following facilities during their hours of operation and any personal property therein: [●●].


For: Both

Alert: May be missing an article detailing the event associated with the rental. 

Guidance: It is generally advised for both parties to provide a comprehensive description of the event when renting a venue. This ensures a mutual understanding of the event's purpose, which can help prevent potential disputes or misunderstandings in the future.

In practical terms, this stipulation serves to establish the context and scope of the agreement, allowing both parties to be on the same page and reducing the likelihood of disputes. It also helps in determining the appropriate terms and conditions for the venue rental agreement, such as pricing, duration, and other relevant factors.

For example, when a company rents a venue for a corporate event, a clear description of the event's purpose, such as a product launch or team-building exercise, allows both parties to better understand the expectations and requirements for the venue rental. This leads to a smoother negotiation process and a more successful event.

While there may not be specific statutes or laws that directly relate to the inclusion of an event description in a venue rental agreement, general contract law principles, such as the duty to act in good faith and the importance of clear communication between parties, support the inclusion of such a provision to promote a fair and transparent agreement.

Additionally, it is important to consider exceptions, doctrines, or specific regulations that may apply to venue rental agreements, such as the doctrine of unconscionability, local zoning laws, health and safety regulations, and accessibility requirements under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). These regulations may impose additional obligations on the venue owner or the lessee and should be considered when drafting and entering into a venue rental agreement.

Sample Language:


RENTER intends to host the following described event (the “Event”): [●●]. The Event may be attended by up to [●●] guests. A plan outlining the timing of the Event, the estimated guest count, seating arrangements, décor, services, delivery times, and other relevant information (the “Event Plan”) is attached hereto as Exhibit [●●] or shall be formulated by, or provided to, OWNER for review and approval at least [●●] ([●●]) days prior to the Rental Period.


For: Both

Alert: May be missing an article stipulating the details of the rental period for the venue.

Guidance: A clear understanding of the rental period in a Venue Rental Agreement is crucial for both the renter and the venue owner. This understanding helps minimize potential disputes and misunderstandings, ensuring timely access to the venue and protecting the interests of both parties.

In practice, a well-defined rental period allows the renter to know when they can access the venue for setup and teardown, while the venue owner can plan accordingly for other events or maintenance. This clarity helps prevent conflicts and ensures a smooth rental process for both parties.

General contract law principles emphasize the importance of clear and unambiguous terms in a contract. By including a well-defined rental period in the agreement, both parties can ensure that the contract is legally enforceable and adheres to these principles.

Sample Language:


Subject to the terms and conditions herein, {%pa2%} may have access to and occupy the Venue during the following dates: From: [●●] [AM/PM]         On: [●●] To: [●●] [AM/PM]                 On: [●●] hereinafter referred to as the “Rental Period”. 

The Rental Period shall include not only the time needed to host the Event, but also any time needed to set up, rehearse, take down decorations or equipment, and clean up after the Event.

Best Practices for Using Venue Rental Agreements

To make the most of your Venue Rental Agreements and ensure their effectiveness, follow these best practices:

  1. Be Detailed: Include as much detail as possible about the event, the venue, the services provided, and the expectations for each party. The more specific the agreement, the less room there is for misunderstandings.
  2. Communicate Clearly: Before drafting the agreement, have a clear conversation with the other party about their expectations and needs. This can help ensure that the agreement covers all important points.
  3. Review Carefully: Before signing, thoroughly read the entire agreement. Make sure you understand and agree with all terms.
  4. Negotiate: If there are terms that you're not comfortable with, don't be afraid to negotiate. Many provisions in a VRA can be modified to suit the needs of both parties.
  5. Get Insurance: Make sure you have the appropriate insurance coverage as required by the agreement. This can help protect you in case of accidents or damages.
  6. Keep Records: After the event, keep a record of any damages, additional fees incurred, or security deposit deductions. This can help avoid disputes later.
  7. Communicate Post-Event: If there are any issues or discrepancies after the event, communicate with the other party promptly and professionally to resolve them.


Venue Rental Agreements are essential for any business or individual looking to host an event at a commercial venue. They provide clarity on the expectations and responsibilities of both the venue owner and the renter, help allocate risk, ensure timely payment, protect the venue, and provide a legal framework for resolving disputes.

To ensure the effectiveness of your Venue Rental Agreement, it's important to include key provisions such as venue description, event details, rental period, assumption of risk, amenities and services, conditions of use, rental fee, deposits, payment terms, force majeure, insurance, termination, and the effects of termination. Additionally, the agreement should be tailored to your specific circumstances, thoroughly reviewed by legal counsel, and signed by authorized representatives of both parties.

By following best practices for negotiating, drafting, and managing your Venue Rental Agreements, you can ensure a successful event while minimizing potential risks and liabilities.

Our guides are for informational purposes only. Such information is not legal advice and is not guaranteed to be correct, complete, or an up-to-date representation of LegalOn's legal content. Nor is the information tailored to the unique needs or objectives that accompany each transaction. For legal advice for a specific problem, you should consult an attorney licensed to practice law in the appropriate jurisdiction for each transaction.

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