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Contract answers, drafting tips, and summaries with our secure generative AI assistant. Get started today!

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Let LegalOn Assistant tackle your tedious contract asks, freeing you to focus on the work and judgment that sets you apart.

Ask Me Anything

Get answers, summaries, and drafting suggestions based on your instructions.

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Stop toggling between apps. Draft, revise, summarize — all in one AI tool.

Secure, Legal AI

The power of GPT-4 upgraded for legal professionals by attorneys and engineers.

Get your contract answer in seconds.

Ask any question, big or small, about any contract.
  • Scan for hidden risks, even in exhibits and addendums

  • Confirm compliance against your preferred terms

  • Check defined terms for consistency

Draft the right clause, right now.

Generate clauses and revisions that fit just right.
  • Draft precise contract language instantly

  • Tailor clauses to your position and deal context

  • Redraft terms to favor your rights and obligations

Create summaries with ease.

Turn complex legalese into accessible explanations.
  • Quickly understand the essence of a contract and its terms

  • Distill critical risks and takeaways for key stakeholders

  • Explain amendments and exhibits in plain English

I use LegalOn Assistant to strengthen my contracts. It helps me identify risks and draft new clauses from scratch. I've found that it saves more than 50% of my time.
Anthony Tommarello
Corporate Associate Attorney
Industrial Service Solutions logo
LegalOn Assistant is extremely user-friendly, and is a huge timesaver. I use LegalOn Assistant to tell me what defined terms mean as I am reading a contract—this saves a lot of time scrolling back and forth through the contract to look up definitions.
Kristen Jacobsen
Associate General Counsel
Golden Hippo logo

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